September 8, 2007

YP Booty socks done!

I finally finished my first installment of the YP Booty Club. I really liked this sock that Jeannie did, so I picked this pattern for the Rum Runner yarn. I've gotten the second shipment in. It's very soft, (BFL soft.) :) It came with a cute YP sticker and some pirate-y candy. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet.

yarn: YP Booty Club, Rum Runner
needles: KP circs size 2
pattern: Baby Fern from More SKS
start date: first part of August
finish date: end of August

In family life, my son has started football. This means no knitting time on Saturdays anymore. :( Oh well. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do than to support him, so no complaining. :)

More to come when I get a pattern going for the next booty package.


August 11, 2007

WARNING: post loaded with pics....

Wow, it's been a while since I've been here. I've been really busy with work lately. The girl that is over my department is leaving, and I have been "designated" to take on her responsibilites. Not sure if that's a good thing or not yet. I'll let ya know. :)

Anywhooo....I'm sure you know that The Loopy Ewe just had their one year anniversay on Aug 1. They ran a contest to see who could guess how many skiens of yarn they had in stock that day Would you believe that the correct answer was 7977?!?! Woweee.....just think, wouldn't that be fun to dive into? :) So, CONGRATS to Sherri and the guys over at The Loopy Ewe!!

Having said that, I have gotten new stash in to report about.

I'm sure you all have seen the first installment of the YP Booty Club already. I just haven't had time to post mine, so here it is, again. :)

This yummy stuff came from Mama Blue knitting goods. These are SWM striping yarns. colorways: Jolly Green Violets and Snorkel

These are also from Mama Blue knitting goods. These are SWM semi-solid yarns. colorways: Girl and Apricot

This, of course, is STR. I actually got these from a destash blog. Lucky me! :) These are actually my first skeins of STR. Can you believe it?? colorways: Firebird (exclusive to the sock club) and Titania

These make me drool! Zen String serendipity from Wool Girl. Just delish!! :) colorways: Sedona and Blueberry Pie

This is from Thank Ewe on etsy. Here is a better pic of it before it got reskiened. Is this not just to die for? So warm and cozy. Also SWM sock yarn. colorway: Chestnut

This is what I've gotten in recently. My DH has told me that if I receive any more packages, he's taking them to the trash. HA!! (whatever) I'm working on my Booty Club socks as we speak, but I don't wanna post any pics until I get one finished. I recently decided to try sock knitting with 2 circulars, as opposed to DPNs. So, I ordered a pair from Knit Picks. I'm still trying to decide which I like better. There are pros and cons to both. I'll leave you with this. Trish posted this showing the results of new Inox needles. I had to laugh! Why, you might ask? Because THIS is what happened when I got those new KP circs!! :)


July 25, 2007

rockin girl blogger and a cool contest

Wow, I just found out that Trish has nominated me for the Rockin' Girl Blogger. How cool is that? I love, love, love her blog! She helped me tons with getting my own blog going. So go check it out, if you don't already. And apparently, I am supposed to nominate 5 more girls. So with out further a-doooo....






Also, I just found another very cool blog (from a link in Trish's). Jen is having a contest about yarn pooling. Go check it out and maybe win some yarn! :)


July 19, 2007

am I really that evil?

Okay, well, I can't really say that I'm totally surprised. I'm not really "mean", I just stand up for myself. I don't take "crap" from people. But I think I AM nice once you get to know me. :)

The sorting hat says that I belong in Slytherin!

Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those whose ancestry is purest."

Slytherin students are typically cunning and hungry for power. Important members include Draco Malfoy (Harry's nemesis), Professor Severus Snape (head of Slytherin), and Lord Voldemort.

Take the most scientific Harry Potter Quiz ever created.

Get Sorted Now!


ETA: If you're in the YP booty club, I'm interested in what patterns you guys are thinking of using for the first "booty". Let me know!!

July 18, 2007

first booty club shipment

OH MY GAWWW!!! I got my first Yarn Pirate booty club box in today. While I can't show you what it looks like yet, let's just say it was well worth the wait and money. I soooo love Yarn Pirate yarn. Georgia really has the gift for dying yarn. And we got a couple of very cool goodies too. If you're in the club, I know you will agree. If you're not, well, I'm really really sorry. :) I will post pics when everyone has had time to receive theirs.


July 2, 2007

Happy Birthday to meeeee...

It's my birthday today!! woohoo I'm really trying to decide what would be an appropriate present for myself. (hehe) Any ideas??


June 30, 2007

My first FO for my blog!

Let me start off by saying that even though I love to knit, I don't have very much time to do it. I usually only knit on the weekends, and not always every weekend. So, FO's come very few and far between. Although it has taken me almost 2 months to complete this pair, I am very proud of these. This is the most complex pattern I have worked to date.

yarn: Yarn Pirate "black water" colorway
needles: Clover DPNs size 2
pattern: Pomatomus by Cookie A.
start date: late April
finish date: June 29, 2007

I also won my FIRST blog contest! Jana, at White Oak Studio, names her hand dyed yarn after T.V. shows. Wool Girl has started selling her yarn at her shop. So, they had a blog contest where everyone gave their favorite T.V. show. Then you had to describe yarn to match. I tied for first place. Yippeee!! First place was a skein of yarn dyed to match your show's description. I just got it in the mail today, and it's just as I imagined it should be. Each skein also comes with hand made matching stitch markers. Wool Girl also added in a packet of wool soak. I've really been wanting to try it. She topped it off with a hand written note to congratulate me on winning. (yah me) I love to get yarn packages, don't you?? Well, that's about it for today. Thanks for stopping by!

hugz~ :)

June 20, 2007

I'm in the Booty Club!!

Not only did I start a blog, but I joined my first sock club too. And boy did I pick a GREAT one to start with! Yarn Pirate started her own sock club. Yippeeeee :) How long have we all been waiting for this? Her yarn is deee-lish, don't you think?!? I'm working with her "black water" colorway right now. It's a special one because she chose the name with her Dad in mind. I decided to try Cookie A's Pomatomus pattern. This is my first experience with charts. I was EXTREMELY intimidated because it looks difficult. But, I am soooooooo glad I decided to try it. It's no where near as hard as I thought it would be. Not to mention it's GORGEOUS!! :) I'm on the instep of the second sockie now. I'll post pics when I'm finished.

And in family life, my son's T-ball team won second place place this year! Go Dodgers!! They had a pool party for the whole league last week. Can you imagine 60 5 to 7 year olds, plus their families, running around at the local pool? I had my Xanax tucked neatly in my purse, within reach. :) I'm really proud of him though. He hit 3 in the park home runs, caught a fly ball, and made numerous outs on third base. All this AND being the smallest on the team! (bragging mom) Yet, his real love is football. He played flag football last fall. His team came in first place that time. (and yes, the smallest on the team)

Anywho, I'll sign off now and go knit a bit before bed.


June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

I hope everyone's Dad, Grandfather, or Husband had a WONDERFUL day yesterday! :)


June 15, 2007

New Blogger

Well, I finally broke down and started a blog. I don't really know what I have to say that will interest people, but everyone else has one. I should have one too, right? :)
